OVCS Athletics
Ohio Valley Christian School offers an excellent program for athletics and activities. We are very proud of our student participants, coaches, and advisors, and appreciate the positive contribution they make to our school. In keeping with the Ohio Valley Christian School philosophy, we encourage students, regardless of their skill level, to participate in a wide variety of activities. Athletics offer an opportunity to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Our school athletics/activities foster a spirit of cooperation and teamwork. They provide an opportunity for students to work with a caring Christian adult, build a sense of self-esteem, and learn Christian sportsmanship. It is hoped that this handbook will serve as a guide to those who are involved in our athletic/activities programs.
The OVCS Athletic Department builds its programs upon the following philosophical foundation: THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING THE PERSON IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING THE PLAYER. Our Athletic Department exists to build Christians, not just athletes. Our total goal is Christian athletes. A Christian athlete is one who is redeemed and totally dedicated to serving God through the talents God has given him in athletics and in other areas of life. (I Cor. 10:31; Lk. 2:52; I Cor. 9:26,27).
Luke 2:52 -Developing the whole person.
Col. 3:23 - Teaching the principle of giving 100% to the Lord and not to man.
John 13:35 – Demonstrating love for one another.
Prov. 21:31 - Teaching preparation and performance for a contest, leaving the results to the Lord.
I Cor. 12: 12-26 -Teaching the importance of working together (including valuing the contribution of the weakest member).
I Cor. 15:57 –Teaching that victory comes from God.
Phil 2:14 – Teaching the value of team unity.
Phil. 3: 12-14 - Teaching how to set goals and to strive to achieve them.
Phil. 4:13 - Teaches the principle that "I can do all things through Christ."
James 1:2-4 – Teaches the important life skill of patience.
The overriding purpose of everything that a Christian does is to glorify God (I Cor. 10:31). Our main purpose of glorifying God through athletics may be divided into a number of measurable purposes.
To be a testimony to the lost (teammates, fellow students, parents, fans, officials).
To edify the saved.
To create fellowship among students, parents, and other schools.
To place the proper emphasis on winning and losing.
To develop the proper attitude towards authority (coach, referee).
To provide a wholesome outlet for energy.
To teach the following character traits:
individual responsibility
proper social interaction