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Frequently asked questions

Do you have wireless internet?

Yes! The school has a robust wireless IT infrastructure that easily accommodates the communication needs of the school. All students are required to sign a Computer Usage Policy at the beginning of each year.

Will I be prepared for college and challenged academically?

Absolutely! Historically, over 90% of our graduates have gone on to college. We offer an aggressive, accelerated curriculum for all classes that prepare students well for college. Standardized testing routinely places our school in the top 25% of all schools nationally.

Will my credits be accepted if I transfer or when I graduate?

YES! Ohio Valley Christian School is a nonpublic charter school through the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). All completed credits and coursework is recognized and transferable to ALL public and Christian schools, both state-wide and nationally.

Can I drive to school? Buses?

Although we own a school bus, we do not currently offer pickup or drop-off bus services. Students can drive to school and do not have to have or pay for any additional parking permits. Parents may choose to carpool. The bus is used to transport athletic teams to away games as well as for field trips.

Can I bring my cell phone or tablet?

Yes. However, your cell phones are not to be used in class. Phones and other data devices may be used during morning care, lunch, and aftercare.

What about lunch?

Students get 30 minutes each day for lunch. Students need to bring their own lunch (microwaves available). Some student organizations may offer lunch as a fundraiser. Those events will be announced ahead of time. 11th and 12th-grade students may go off-grounds for lunch two days per week with written parental permission. All other students remain on campus. On fair weather days, lunch may be held outside in the shelter house. Elementary school students get snack time as well.

Do you have computer labs and available printers?

Yes! All K-12th grade students have access to their own personal computers or Chromebooks. Many classes also use tablets and other portable technology. The school is equipped with high-speed color printers for dedicated student work.

Can I earn college credit while attending OVCS?

Ohio Valley Christian School permits students to accrue college credit via College Credit Plus (CCP) offered through the Ohio Department of Higher Education. OVCS has approved select Christian colleges and universities whereby 9-12th grade students may earn college credit. The credits earned also are counted toward high school graduation. Students must follow the CCP process and procedures as well as meet admission criteria set by the college or university.

Do you offer athletics?

Yes. In addition to curricular physical education, we offer organized athletic teams beginning with the 6th grade. For more information, check out our Athletics page.

What do I wear?

OVCS has a dress code policy that is included in the student handbook. All apparel should be modest, in good condition, and clean.

Do I get my own locker?

Each 7-12th grade student is issued their own locker. Most are full-sized and are lockable.

Do you provide morning care and aftercare?

Yes! Students in K-12 may utilize morning care beginning @ 7:15 a.m. in the gym. PK students may be dropped off @ 8 a.m. at the door of the Fellowship Room. After care is offered from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. for students in K-12. There is no after care available for PK students.

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